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Dieses Feuerzeug war das einzige Vietnam Zippo, welches Bruce Stokes nach hause genommen hat. Es stammt aus dem Zippo Werk in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Erstaunlicherweise verkaufte er es über das Internet! |
(Hersteller: "no name") |
Yep it is my last ZIPPO and I was Gunner Bruce Stokes and me and me mates had them done, I don't know where, but I think it was Vung Tau . I thought I had lost it but it came to light during a cleanup.I never used it as I thought I would loose it [don't smoke anymore] and I did when I came home,so if you want some history it was mine.I joined as a regular soldier in 1967,spent 12 months in Vietnam as a driver and gunner with 105 Battery, part of 1st field Regiment Royal Australian Artillery from Feb 1969 to Feb 1970. I was WIA [wounded in action] in Sept 69 road ambush and it wasn't serious just shrapnel from RPG and it hit me in head so it diddn't hurt. I stayed in the army until 1988 [21 years service] and retired as a Warrant Officer class 2 [WO2]. If you want to know anymore just give me a hoy.
Informationen über Bruce John Stokes finden sich auch unter dem folgenden Link:
Laut Aussagen von Bruce Stokes gibt es mindestens 5 Vietnam Zippo, welche er vor Ort gravieren liess:
...During my tour of Vietnam I think I had about 5 zippo's all were similar design, most were lost on tour in bars [2] in Vung Tau and I only brought 1 home . ...
Drei befinden sich inzwischen in meiner Sammlung ;-)
Name: STOKES, Bruce John
Service No: 217774
Service: Army
Date Of Birth: 14/02/1950
Rank: Gunner
Place Of Birth: Taree NSW AUSTRALIA
Corps: Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery
National Service: No
Summary of Unit Name(s) Start Date End Date
1st Field Regiment 11/03/1969 11/03/1970