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Mail von Gary E Cox (Auszug):
I am sorry that I have been so late in replying to your email message. Yes, I believe that is my lighter, however, it is not the original lighter that I bought while still in Vietnam…..the lighter you have I had made at a 173rd Airborne Bde Reunion in about or around 1985 or so. If I remember correctly, because of a line of other Troopers waiting to have their lighters inscribed at the reunion, and the general noise and confusion of a Reunion old Paratroopers *smile*, the date that was inscribed was not correct….I had joined the Army in 1966 and arrived in Vietnam in March of 1967 and left (DEROSED) in March 1968… however, because of everything else going on around us at that booth at the Reunion, it was decided to let it go and for me to just take it as is, at a discounted price *smile*.
I can tell you that I was in D Company of the 2nd Battalion of the 503 Airborne Inf. of the 173 Airborne Bde. I was on the Point Team (three of us) on the initial assault of Hill 875 on 19 Nov 1967 (which happened to be my 20th birthday, BTW). For my service in Vietnam I was awarded the Silver Star (our Nation’s three highest award for Gallantry) as well as the Bronze Star with V device (Valor device…and the award for Heroism) as well as several other awards, the one I am most proud of was the CIB (Combat Infantry Badge)…..I returned to the US and spent another 5 months in the Army before getting out. I had Volunteered for the Draft, Volunteered for Airborne School, and Volunteered for Vietnam….all of which the Army was nice enough to give to me, so I felt I should just go ahead and get out so that someone else could enjoy everything that the Army had to offer them, as it had me. *grinning and a wink*
Sincerely yours,
Gary E. Cox ‘Buzz’