Leider ist kein Bild vorhanden.
Branch: ARMY
Rate: E05
MOS: 62L
MOS Title: Wheeled Tractor Operator
Service Number:
Im Internet ein Vietnam Zippo erworben werden, welches zunächst keine Verbindung zum ehemaligen Besitzer erwarten liess. Nach einem kurzen Mail Wechsel stellte sich heraus, dass das Feuerzeug im Auftrag des ehemaligen Besitzer verkauft wurde ! Nach einer Weile erhielt ich einen Brief von ihm. So wie es scheint, trifft in seinem Fall die Gravur "We went through hell" voll und ganz zu, da er während des Krieges gefangen genommen wurde. Roy L. Stone lebt heute im Staate Oregon.
Brief vom 22.5.2005:
May 22-05
I’m the man that sold you the Vietnam lighter. I bought that lighter in Vietnam in either 66 [1966] or 67 [1967] and had it engraved there.
I served with the combat engineers in Nam. I was (TDY temporary duty) most of my year in Nam. I travelled with the 11th Cav [11th Armored Cavalry Regiment]. I drove a lowboy truck with a Cat [Caterpillar] or a front loader on the trailer. I was awarded a Purple Heart, a Silver Star and I was a POW [Prisoner of War]. I escaped. I was sprayed many times with Agent Orange and got Type II Diabetes because of it. I retired at age 57 in 03 [2003] and had a stroke in 04 [2004]. It affected my left side. I walk with a cane or walker. I worked as a heavy equipment operator most of my life. I receive social security disability, veterans disability and regular retirement from my job with Lane County in Eugene, OR.
I had a garage sale and then had my neighbor lady sell some of the leftovers on eBay.
Hope you like the lighter.
Roy Stone
I’ve circled the places on the map that I’ve been